Senin, 18 April 2022

TALETE CODE лучший платежный протокол автоматического стейкинга и автоматического начисления процентов

привет всем, хорошего дня, по этому поводу я поделюсь информацией о проекте под названием TALETE CODE, TALETE CODE предоставляет децентрализованный финансовый актив, который вознаграждает пользователей с помощью устойчивой модели фиксированных сложных процентов.

TALETE Auto-Staking Protocol and Auto-Reflection (ASPAR) — это финансовый протокол, упрощающий и повышающий эффективность ставок и присуждающий держателям токенов $TALETE самую высокую стабильную прибыль непосредственно в кошельках держателей.

Команда TALETECODE - это очень опытные группы! наши менеджеры работают в сфере реальных финансов и дефи-финансов уже 20 лет назад. TALETE CODE использует сложный набор факторов для поддержки своей цены и вознаграждения за перебазирование. Это дает токену функции автоматического стейкинга и начисления процентов, с самым высоким фиксированным APY на рынке в 450158% в течение первого года.

TALETE CODE выплачивает каждому держателю токена TALETE каждые 10 минут (144 раза в день), что делает его самым быстрым протоколом автоматического начисления процентов в криптовалюте. СЖИГАНИЕ ЖЕТОНОВ “ THE FIRE PARTY ” 3% Автоматическая система сжигания токенов высочайшего уровня предотвращает выход из-под контроля и неустойчивость оборотных средств.

Исключительные возможности для держателей:

Безопасный стейкинг - TALETE обеспечивает автостейкинг прямо в вашем кошельке. Токен $TALETE всегда остается в вашем кошельке. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это купить, хранить и автоматически получать вознаграждения в свой кошелек.

Низкий риск с нашей TALETE YOUR INSURANCE (TYI) - самый высокий процент для защиты нашего сообщества. 6% всех торговых комиссий хранятся в фонде TYI, что помогает достигать различных результатов, в том числе наиболее прибыльных, стабильных и долгосрочных.

Самое быстрое автоматическое начисление — протокол TALETE выплачивает каждому держателю токена каждые 10 минут и 144 раза в день, что делает его самым быстрым протоколом автоматического начисления в криптовалюте.

Лучший APY — TALETE выплачивается в размере 450–158% в течение первых 12 месяцев, это самый высокий процент в обращении. После первых 12 месяцев процентная ставка падает в течение заранее определенного периода долгосрочного процентного цикла.

Что такое АПЫ?

APY означает годовой доход в процентах. Это измеряет реальную норму прибыли от вашей основной суммы токенов с учетом эффекта сложных процентов. В случае кода Talete ваши токены $TALETE представляют вашу основную сумму, а сложные проценты добавляются периодически при каждом событии Rebase (каждые 10 минут).

Ваша новая основная сумма — это ваша текущая сумма токена Mind плюс ваша новая сумма токена rebase. Эта общая сумма рассчитывается для вашего следующего вознаграждения за перебазирование.

Один интересный факт о APY заключается в том, что ваш баланс будет расти не линейно, а экспоненциально с течением времени! Предполагая ежедневный сложный процент в размере 2,5%, если вы начнете с баланса в 1 $ TALETE в первый день, через год ваш баланс вырастет примерно до 4510,59 $ TALETE.


ЛИКВИДНОСТЬ. Торговые сборы идут на поддержку ликвидности пары BNB/TALETE на PancakeSwap, обеспечивая постоянно растущую залоговую стоимость $TALETE.

TALETE YOUR INSURANCE — торговые сборы хранятся в фонде TALETE YOUR INSURANCE Fund, который помогает поддерживать и поддерживать вознаграждения за стекинг, обеспечиваемые положительной ребазой.

КАЗНАЧЕЙСТВО - Торговые сборы идут непосредственно в казну, которая поддерживает TYI и обеспечивает маркетинговый бюджет для TALETECODE и финансирует разработку новых продуктов.

СЖИГАНИЕ - 3,00 % всех торгуемых $ TALETE сжигаются в нашем БОЛЬШОМ СЖИГАНИИ. Чем больше торгуется, тем больше попадает в огонь, заставляя костровую яму увеличиваться в размерах, все больше и больше благодаря самореализующемуся автоматическому компаундированию, которое, в свою очередь, уменьшает циркулирующий запас $ TALETE и поддерживает стабильность TALETE CODE.


  • Частная продажа: 1 BNB = 25 $ TALETE
  • Розовая распродажа: 1 BNB = 18 $ TALETE
  • Обмен блинами: 1 BNB = 12 $ ТАЛЕТЕ


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Имя пользователя на форуме: Landiva

Ссылка на профиль форума:;u=3325170

Имя пользователя в телеграмме: @landivaa

адрес bep20: 0xc6973ABe7658ad8C02dCF98C545375C11c09E014


Minggu, 10 April 2022

EGOcoin is a cryptocurrency that will serve as payment for users globally on the Paysenger platform

The growing number of social connections to which people pay constant attention leads to a need for new ways of communication.The existing Internet audience has a need for unique content; The world’s major social networks have developed their algorithms so that unique content ranks higher and gets noticed by users more often. However, to date, viewers have not formed an opinion that they can monetize their own content or content created by others. He needs to understand that with the help of certain tools, you can buy other people’s attention and then sell it to make money.There is a need for the emergence of the next generation of online social services. namely PAYSENGER, This service makes it easy to get influencer attention by breaking the traditional chain of “mediator-manager-star” type of communication.


Paysenger — is a service that monetizes communication. Paysenger creates a new way of communication in a world with the fastest growing relations and unchanged attention span. Now you can attract attention to your message or call by paying for the recipient’s attention with a fiat or EGO token. It is getting much easier with Paysenger to contact a media person or get expert advice. A received media content can be converted into NFT (Non-fungible token). It can be saved or sold on the internal marketplace for EGO. Our goal is to transform the blockchain by making the technology easier to a large audience.


EGOcoin was launched to become a cryptocurrency that will serve as payment for users globally on the Paysenger platform. By using EGOcoin, users will be able to make transactions easily, quickly, and with lower fees. And not only that, it will also allow users to buy and sell NFTs, along with the usual payment methods. Later EGOcoin will be perfectly integrated on the Paysenger platform.

Later on Paysenger, users will be able to use EGOcoin for various purposes, for example for monetization or payments to fans. Later this will form a payment system that is more secure and transparent for all users. Users will be able to make transactions from wherever and whenever they want using their digital wallet. And even this will be used as a reward for influencers who advertise on the Paysenger platform.

EGOcoin will give advantages to those who use this token on the Paysenger platform, such as influencers who receive EGO tokens will get more rewards for their efforts, such as commission reduction and holding bonuses, and also users can easily exchange EGOcoins from crypto-fiat exchanges supported, so there is no reason for users not to accept EGOcoin as their payment.

And because it was launched on BSC, users will be able to use EGOcoin for faster, easier, and more secure payments and lower fees compared to other chains. Because as we know that BSC is one of the best chains in the market today which offers speed, security, and lower fees. So launching EGOcoin on BSC is the right choice.

One of the goals of the monetization strategy is to maximize the average revenue per user over time. The relevance and demand for the services are an illustration of the many opportunities available. 

The main directions are presented as follows:

  • Paid communications with influencers. 
  • Paysenger allows you to request communication with an interesting person in a convenient format: a request for a chat, a conference, or just a video greeting.
  • The service is performed by the influencer; after confirming the completion, he receives payment. The service provides clear and simple access to the right person, the “menu” of his services with prices, and is also a guarantor of their quality. Paysenger receives a commission for providing services.
  • NFT generation fees : Users can monetize both their own content and content created by someone else. With the help of certain tools, you can buy someone else’s attention, and then sell it and make money on it. You can sell your NFT by placing it on the NFT marketplace for which the service charges a commission.
  • NFT auction fees : NFT auction fees : An auction is a good way to sell NFTs. You can sell to the highest bidder or at a falling price (the price falls until someone buys). The service charges a commission for this service.
  • Paid channels by subscription : Paid channels are like Telegram channels, only with a subscription and a 7-day demo version. At the moment, the functionality has been implemented, but not fully tested.

B2C Brand Communication With Customers

B2C communication: brands have the ability to send paid messages to users (in the form of questions/polls). Users receive $1-2 in response to them, and the brand receives useful information from its current or future consumers.

For example, a brand engages in a dialogue with consumers directly, rather than through advertising campaigns, and pays for clicks not to corporations, but directly to its audience, allowing it to participate in the formation of products, provide useful feedback, or video testimonials.

Narrowly Targeted Advertising Campaigns

For many people, social media has become the main vehicle for interpersonal interaction and the most popular online place. One of the greatest strengths of social media advertising is the ability to allow advertisers to target a narrow audience. This can be helpful when trying to target a specific segment of the market. Paysenger allows you to conduct such campaigns and generates income from it.


EGOcoin is designed to be a token that will provide stability and reward to users, as well as a token that will be used for payments on the platform. The advantage of having EGOcoin is that users will be able to use this token for their various payments or users can use this token to buy NFT tokens provided by the platform. Users can manage all their EGOcoin via a blockchain wallet or any wallet that supports the BEP-20 protocol.

The maximum supply of EGO tokens will be 1 billion. The main indicators for the price and supply of tokens are presented in the table.


ime is important for everyone in this era of globalization. Nowadays digital currency has become introduced to reduce sales time. Cryptocurrency was first recognized as a payment system that allows people to distribute completely presto, without third parties, crystalline, secure, and faceless. With the emergence and growth of the crypto or blockchain ecosystem, many indispensable investment openings have developed, and have proven to be a more effective and profitable investment tool than traditional fiscal returns. Cryptocurrencies have the potential to be the largest digital asset for investment.

Because it is rock friendly, safe, and allows for a large reduction in selling costs. And EGOcoin could be the solution for this. By launching on the Paysenger platform, EGOcoin will become a cryptocurrency that users will be able to use for fast, secure, and easy payments from their various devices. Users will benefit from using EGOcoin, for example, influencers will get additional rewards and reduced commissions. And also this token can be used to buy NFT tokens on the Paysenger platform. With the various features offered by EGOcoin, users are expected to be able to make transactions quickly, securely, and easily.

For more information

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Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link:;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landivaa

What is you bsc address: 0xc6973ABe7658ad8C02dCF98C545375C11c09E014


Minggu, 27 Maret 2022

Marblecake Decentralized Financial services, developing solutions for trading, farming & staking cryptocurrencies as well as tokens pegged to a real world basis.


Anyone in the world can lend, borrow, send or trade blockchain-based assets using an easy-to-download wallet without having to use a bank or broker. If desired, they can explore more advanced financial activities — leveraged trading, structured products, synthetic assets, insurance underwriting, market creation — while always maintaining complete control of their assets on the DeFi protocol. The DeFi app can serve anyone in the world with an internet connection, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age, wealth, or political affiliation.

Moreover, any developer can confidently build on this platform, knowing that no central authority has the ability to revoke access in the future. Transparent nature as software is always available from open source, all base code is always available for review, and all related modals are open for audit. All transactions are recorded on the blockchain, which allows easy review of specific transactions or building a business exploring data for investment (or even investigative) purposes.

Marblecake creates services for Decentralized Finance. The project develops solutions for trading, farming and staking cryptocurrencies as well as tokenized assets such as tokens pegged to real-world bases. Marblecake provides the infrastructure to help users use it independently. Marblecake is built on top of the Binance Smart Chain ('BSC'), the BSC was created to increase scalability associated with high throughput to achieve faster transaction times & shorter confirmation times.

BSC presents the genesis blockchain for Marblecake. The project aims to branch out to other blockchains in due course including Polygon, Fantom & Avalanche. MARBL is the native token in the Marblecake ecosystem.

It will launch as an IDO and can be traded instantly upon starting it.


Marblecake develops next-level DeFi solutions & yield protocols.

As a holistic ecosystem, you will find all necessary tools at your disposal. From active swapping to passive yield generation, Marblecake is your go-to place for prime DeFi solutions.


Marblecake combines multiple tools that make up its ecosystem. At its core, the DEX (Decentralized Exchange) serves to facilitate swapping. In combination with this, users can add liquidity to the pools or hodl Yield Tokens.



Decentralization requires non-custodial exchanges, transfers and staking. Marble Cake does not hold user keys and only offers the tools needed to interact with the blockchain directly. The protocols are automated processes that run without the intervention of the disseminator.

Decentralized Finance

DeFi, as a general term for decentralized financial blockchain services, encapsulates a wide range of technologies. Assisted by smart contracts, users can transact, stake, trade assets among other activities without the intervention of third parties. This is what makes DeFi inherently different from previous manifestations of blockchain finance.

Projects like Marblecake provide the infrastructure to help users leverage it independently.

Smart contracts are the backbone of DeFi.

They can be likened to vending machines in that they operate without intermediaries and are accessible to anyone (unless otherwise coded).

This means that projects can reuse (or ‘split) existing contracts on the chain and build on proven concepts, which in turn facilitates faster development cycles without compromising security.

DeFi has already begun to shake financial technology at its core. It offers new levels of security, autonomy, transparency and privacy not available in traditional finance. Since it will continue to attract new users, Marblecake positions itself at the front as an easy gateway to join the crypto economy.

With new attractive investment opportunities coupled with low barriers to entry, DeFi is a gateway for Marblecake to attract new user segments. It aims to be a robust ‘entry-level’ solution that is easy and safe to use.


  • Marblecake be listed on pancakeswap . Grab your tokens at & board your trip to the moon
  • Crowdsale Address: 0x67BAF2F39489C22b97146A903Ca450dFD3CAa043
  • Token Address: 0x7C4DCc15fCaa5e0B7DefE55F1fFF2442057cEb8B
  • Network: Binance Smart Chain
  • Token Supply: 10,000,000 mARBL
  • Soft Cap: $500,000



The 2nd quarter of 2022 will see Marble laying the ground for further growth. Team will complete the crowdsale, overhaul the DEX & focus on marketing.

  • Crowdsale II
  • Prepare DEX for re-launch
  • Bounty Campaigns
  • Marketing Campaigns


During the 3rd quarter, Marble hodlers can start trading their assets on PancakeSwap & our native DEX. More marketing will follow as the project gains traction.

  • List on Pancakeswap
  • Relaunch native DEX
  • List on Native DEX
  • Marketing Campaign II


To round off 2022, Team will launch the bridge around November 2022. In addition, the launchpad will be ready along with the staking farm protocols.

  • Launch Bridge
  • Add Launchpad
  • Staking Contracts
  • List mARBL on more DEX’s


Kicking off a great start into 2023, Marble will deploy on more networks, run more marketing campaigns & target CEX listings. 2023 is going to rock — better be part of it now or lose out later.

  • Cross-Chain Deployment
  • Marketing Campaign III
  • Target CEX listings
  • Continue Development


Crypto lovers often face challenges of a centralized finance system, however with the introduction of cryptocurrency and more precisely, Decentralized Finance, these challenges are being laid to rest. Marblecake, a Defi-based project was created to utilize blockchain technology and Defi to solve these challenges more effectively, make investment procedures more straightforward, rewarding, and accessible to all. Users can hold MARBL, stake, trade, farm etc. WHY NOT JOIN THE GROWING COMMUNITY TODAY AND REAP FINANCIAL BENEFITS.


  1. Website:
  2. Twitter:
  3. Reddit:
  4. Discord:
  5. Telegram:

#Marblecake #mARBL #Binance #DEX #Cake


Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link:;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landivaa

Binance Smart Chain Wallet Address: 0x8c7eED86A310f62B27f9C05aF3ee417Ad6A45a7d


Kamis, 24 Maret 2022

SOREX uses a PLAN system to satisfy all kind of investors.


DeFi 2.0 protocol developer Titano finance, is creating a revolutionary new form of token staking with a powerful fixed APY.

Decentralized finance or DeFi brought about a revolution in the financial industry. With the help of the DeFi website, cryptocurrency holders can secure their tokens and earn interest rates that most people believe are unattainable.

Financial algorithms and token staking tactics known as protocols are the tools DeFi companies use to make these huge profits.

One of the projects that has caught the attention of crypto investors is SOREX.IO | Multichain Investment Platform,

Automatic Betting Protocol with Highest Fixed APY - 204,036.60%.


Invest in one of our PLAN and start earning passive income with no effort

SOREX is an automated broker app managed by an Artificial Intelligence that combines mathematical extrapolation polynomials alongside a pre-trained time-series prediction neuronal network to predict very precisely the evolution of the top 300 cryptocurrencies and investing automatically for you.

Highlights SOREX

  • PLANS : Get an easy revenue from exchanges of Artificial Intelligence close by a pre-prepared time-series expectation neuronal organization
  • Crypto Exchange : Purchase and sell one of 300+ Crypto in minutes. Exchange anyplace with security and accommodation
  • 24/7 Support : Got an issue? Simply reach out. Our help group accessible 24/7
  • Double Options : Rise or Fall? Anticipate where the cost will proceed to bend over your bet. 300+ Crypto resources for decision. Just 2 different ways — UP or DOWN! Browse one of 300+ Crypto Assets and anticipate how the cost will act during the time you pick. Watch the exchange’s advancement continuous.
  • LVL Referral Program : Prescribe us to your companions and procure in every one of THREE Levels 1. LVL — 20% 2. LVL — 10% 3. LVL — 5%
  • NFT Loans : Loan and Borrow your NFTs as guarantee. Get advances in USDT, BUSD and SRX. Get USDT or SRX advances. Utilize your NFTs as guarantee for crypto credits with the most noteworthy advance to esteem proportion at market. Get credits in USDT, BUSD or SRX and pull out quickly to your wallet.

SRX Autostaking Protocol

Stake before send off, Stake in your wallet — stake all over the place. SRX Token is heart of Sorex Autostaking Protocol, New Generation Defi with Highest Fixed APY, accumulating rewards at regular intervals and first of its sort — Pre-send off get-hold-procure framework that develops your portfolio before send off with fixed interest of 2.11% each day or 204,036.60% per year by holding SRX.

Investment Independence

SOREX utilizes a PLAN framework to fulfill all sort of financial backers. The principle contrast between the PLANs is the cap of speculation on every emphasis, which increments with each PLAN. There are two methods for getting to the SOREX speculation stage:

Holding SRX or through a yearly installment. How much tokens expected for each PLAN is recalculated like clockwork to match the fiat cost of each PLAN. This intends that assuming the cost of the token goes up, any client might conceivably get the following PLAN as the expected tokens will diminish. Going against the norm, a client can’t bring down the PLAN because of token cost change as long as they don’t sell the tokens.

How the PLANS Works?

In choosing one of offered PLANS you are putting resources into exchanging in light of Artificial Intelligence combined with the Neural Network. This tendon permits us to keep stable ROI in lengthy reach.


SOREX will send off SRX Token at 21.04.2022 at 4 significant blockchains simultaneously — ETH, BSC, AVAX and FTM

Complete Supply — 1,500,000 SRX

Blockchains — ETH, BSC, AVAX, FTM

SRX Token Launch — 21.04.2022

SRX Listing Price — $1.00

Double Options — 28.02.2022

Venture Program “PLANS” — 28.02.2022

SRX Pre-send off Staking — 03.03.2022

NFT Loans — 10.03.2022


  • Erick Chow: Founder / Lead Developer
  • Hugo Danielsson: Blockchain Expert / Web3 Developer
  • Kim Hee Sung: AI Engineer / PLANS Developer
  • Zack Heath: Cyber Security Specialist
  • Chen Ping: "NFT Loans" Developer
  • Jarmal Reynolds: Public Relations Specialist
  • Maria Fe Morralos: Marketing Lead Manager



SOREX.IO Invest Platform Launch

Binary Options Launch

Invest PLANS Launch

Pre-launch Marketing

SRX Initial Token Offering

Pre-launch Staking


SRX Token Launch

Listing on Coinmarketcap

Listing on Coingecko


SOREX.IO Treasury Launch

xSRX Token Launch


Full transition to Decentralized Model

Presale and ITO Platform

Massive Marketing Campaign

Strategic Partnerships

SRX Token adopting for CEX

CEX Listing


It is the last chance to get SRX for 0.3 USD!!!

Next Round's price:

2nd Round - 60,000 SRX

1 SRX - 0.4 USD

Buy SRX (1 SRX - 0.3 BUSD)(

Stake SRX with Fixed APY 204,036.60(


  1. Website:
  2. Join Sorex on Social Media:
  3. SOREX Bounty Group -
  4. Telegram (SOREX Community) -
  5. SOREX 3 LVL Referral Program -
  6. Telegram (SOREX Announcements) -
  7. Twitter -
  8. Discord:


Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link:;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landivaa

ETH Wallet Address: 0x8c7eED86A310f62B27f9C05aF3ee417Ad6A45a7d


Kamis, 17 Maret 2022



Decentralized finance, commonly known as DeFi, has been one of the most impactful and successful waves of blockchain-based innovation.

Fueled by their inherent advantages of permissionless composability and open-source development culture, DeFi protocols are constantly advancing and iterating upon proven models of financial-based agreements. The DeFi ecosystem moves at a lightning pace — over the past few months, a rising movement of liquidity-focused DeFi projects has brought forth a new wave of DeFi innovation.

In short: DeFi is massive and expanding by the day. Its expansion over the last few years has seen the advent of new technologies and better ways of managing finances: new ways of financing projects, borrowing, lending, betting, investing; the possibilities are endless. The rapid growth of DeFi has, however, highlighted some innate problems in the industry. Investors across the globe are chasing low-risk-high-yield returns in a booming wave within the technology sector of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and noting that cryptocurrency, in general, is opening up new possibilities across the whole financial industry.

By far DeFi is showing favor to becoming the easiest and agreed-upon way to make your money work for you in an environment where cryptocurrency holders can lock or stake their tokens and receive high-interest rates that most thoughts were unachievable.

The developers of OilZ Finance have introduced the OilZ Autostaking Protocol (OAP), a DeFi 2.0 protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset that rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through the use of its unique proprietary protocol.


OAP, a new financial protocol.


Oilz.Finance was born at the perfect time to lead a DeFi revolution with Oilz Automated Service Protocol or OAP, a new financial protocol with more innovations than other products that help easier staking and gives $OILZ token holders the highest stable profit in crypto.

Oilz.Finance provides a decentralized financial asset and platform which rewards users with a sustainable fixed compound interest model through use of it’s unique OAP protocol.

The Oilz Auto-Staking Protocol (OAP for short) is a new financial protocol that makes staking more easier, more efficient and awards $OilZ token holders the highest stable returns in crypto.

$OILZ Token

$OILZ is the native token which interest rebase rewards are paid. Every token holder automatically receives 0.0243% interest every 15 minutes just for holding $OILZ tokens in their own wallet!

OILZ Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV)

4% of all trading fees are stored in the Oilz.Finance Insurance Fund which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk

The OAP uses a complex set of factors to support its price and the rebase rewards. It includes the Insurance Fund Valuation (IFV) which serves as an insurance fund to achieve price stability and long term sustainability of the OilZ Protocol by maintaining a consistent 0.02355% rebase rate paid to all $OilZ token holders.

OILZ Treasury

The treasury functions as additional financial support for the IFV in the event of an extreme price drop of the $OILZ token or unforeseen black swan event.

It helps to establish a floor value for the $OILZ token. Oilz Treasury provides funding to the new OilZ.Finance products, projects, and marketing activities

The Defenders

3% of all $OILZ traded are burnt in The Defenders.

The more that is traded, the more get put into the fire causing the fire pit to grow in size, larger and larger through self fulfilling Auto-Compounding, reducing the circulating supply and keeping the OilZ protocol stable

How Does Auto-Staking Work?

The OAP Auto-Stake feature is a simple yet cutting-edge function called Buy-Hold-Earn, which provides the ultimate ease of use for $OilZ holders.

Buy-Hold-Earn — By simply buying and holding a $OilZ token in your wallet, you earn rebase rewards as interest payments directly into your wallet. Your tokens will increase every 15 minutes.

Using a Positive Rebase formula, OilZ makes it possible for token distribution to be paid directly proportional to the epoch rebase rewards, worth 0.02355% every 15 minute epoch period of the total amount of $OilZ tokens held in your wallet. The rebase rewards are distributed on each EPOCH (15 minute rebase period) to all $OilZ holders.

This means that without moving their tokens from their wallet, OilZ holders receive an annual compound interest of 498,249% for Year 1.

How do they provide So high APY?

OilZ buys and sells fees are an important component of the OAP. They provide capital for performing critical functions to the protocol. The amount of the fees (11% for buys and 18% for sells) allows OilZ to provide $OilZ holders with a stable high yield of 498,249% annually.


OilZ is a Defi protocol that is set to outpace bitcoin by paying regular compound interest to all OilZ token holders of up to 498,249% each and every year with a 100% guarantee of execution. There aren’t many guarantees in this world especially when it comes to financing but with OilZ it actually is.

What makes OilZ different is its elegant design of architecture where all the interest cycles are predetermined and hardcoded into the programming of the OilZ protocol itself. Basically put there are EPOCH cycles ready preset and because it’s written into the blockchain smart contract it is completely impossible for any cycle or interest payment to be amended or changed. Investors will receive up to 0.02355% every 15 minutes of interest paid each cycle compounded. Cycles guaranteed, automatic payouts, secure cryptography on the blockchain, and it’s completely decentralized to ensure safety and security.

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Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link:;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landivaa

BEP20: 0xc6973ABe7658ad8C02dCF98C545375C11c09E014


Senin, 14 Maret 2022

Everything about Vmetre


VMETRE was obliged to do so as part of the construction of a blockchain architecture that would be perfect for digital securities and exasperated-partner payments. The company, on the other hand, was certain that the project would be completed in an acceptable time frame. Unfortunately for us, we were the unlucky victims of a minor clerical error that was made by one of our colleagues. As a result, this network was selected as the most acceptable network for meeting the requirements of the VMETRE blockchain project, and it was deployed to carry out the VMETRE blockchain deployment.

Furthermore, it is intended to address all of the challenges that arise during the creation and delivery of digital commodities, as well as to allow users to interact with one another on the ground level of the platform. A white-label platform is available from VMETRE that may be customized by organizations and commercial entities to handle the issuance, sale, and argument of securities on the VMETRE platform. This platform can be purchased if you so desire. In the event that you are interested in purchasing this platform, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible.

*What is Vmetre and how does it work>

Vmetre is a Russian organization that focuses on displaying the biodata and contact information of persons who provide various forms of help to meet the needs and preferences of online users all over the world. To be precise, by combining some of the most sought-after characteristics of blockchain technology in one token and congregating them in a single location, the new cryptocurrency VMETRE (which is comparable to bitcoin) accomplishes exactly that. When VMETRE, a new cryptocurrency roughly equivalent to bitcoin, was introduced, the blockchain technology community achieved a significant milestone in the development of blockchain technology by combining some of the most desirable characteristics of blockchain technology into a single token, thereby marking a significant step forward in the development of blockchain technology.

Bitcoin is a new cryptocurrency that is roughly equivalent to VMETRE, which is a new cryptocurrency that is essentially equivalent to bitcoin When VMETRE, a new cryptocurrency roughly equivalent to bitcoin, was introduced, the blockchain technology community achieved a significant milestone in the development of blockchain technology by combining some of the most desirable characteristics of blockchain technology into a single token, thereby marking a significant step forward in the development of blockchain technology. Bitcoin is a new cryptocurrency that is roughly equivalent to VMETRE, which is a new cryptocurrency that is essentially equivalent to bitcoin.

*Details about the mechanism of the platform>

An "on-chain decision platform" that processes transactions at lightning speed is converted into a "real-time data synchronization platform" by synchronizing data from off-chain sources in real-time. It will be feasible to accomplish this upgrade as a result of the Data Oracle connection, which will be incredibly beneficial for everyone involved in the process. Although there are numerous advantages to using this solution, the most significant is that it combines the entire capability of an extremely active and efficient chain network with scalable unbending, a delegated proof of stake consensus technique, and a fully customizable, project-specific chain ecosystem, all in a single solution that is simple to deploy and keep up to date with.


A statement from VMETRE claims that the expansion of the position-built blockchain network is already having an impact on global securities issuance and tokenization and that this impact will only grow in the future. It is on the approach of becoming the principal objector precise in blockchain-based securities for the foreseeable future, if not for much longer than that, by taking advantage of the rapid improvement it has made in this manner.

There is no limit to the amount of sound generated by every institutional and organizational digital securities issuance that takes place on Ethereum's blockchain, regardless of the size of the institution or organization issuing the securities. This is true regardless of how many securities are issued. This is now a reality thanks to the work of VMETRE, which has developed a product suite that is unique in the market and allows for the synthesis of virtually limitless sound.


#vmetre #vmetrepro #VM #bsc #Influencer #Giveaway #aladdincenter #bountycampaign


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Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link:;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landivaa

VM address on Coinsbit ( ): 0xF975F2b79ec9B0562679907582F6dCa6560B6A9B


Jumat, 28 Januari 2022

Moorex : The utility token for the global cryptocurrency community.


Moorex crypto decentralised blockchain protocol is an attempt to create a trustless ecosystem to enjoy features like P2P trading, DEX, ICO's etc for the benefit of traders, investors and other ecosystem stakeholders.

It is designed for the Cryptocurrency Trader or Trader Communities. The protocol is going to allow the Trader community to connect, interact, trade and invest without the need for a Central Exchange.

Moorex is a utility token for the global cryptocurrency community. The Moorex token will be used to pay for all services and fees on the Moorex exchange, starting with its initial listing of more than 20 tokens and growing over time to hundreds of tokens as we list more coins and tokens from other exchanges.

Moorex is a platform built with the use of smart contracts to verify transactions while allowing users to connect with each other. The platform aims to provide a decentralised marketplace that allows SMEs, micro-entrepreneurs, small business owners and consumers to exchange goods and services around the globe.

Moorex crypto decentralised blockchain protocol (Moorex Blockchain) is a technology that was built after years of research, if we want to develop our project as a fast pace within the blockchain industry and especially in business development.


Moorex protocol is a decentralised blockchain protocol built on Ethereum framework. It is a cryptocurrency-based social media platform that allows users to generate income. As people get paid for the content they post, it creates an incentive to contribute valuable content and value to their social network. With Moorex, everyone wins!

Moorex crypto decentralised blockchain protocol is a distributed ledger technology that provides users with an open and decentralised platform for the exchange of digital assets.

Moorex is a cryptocurrency trading protocol that provides a solution for investors in the crypto market who want to trade diverse and affordable portfolio of cryptocurrencies. With Moorex, you can effectively diversify your portfolio by automatically buying and selling cryptocurrencies based on your chosen risk profile.


Moorex platform enables its users to manage their finances in a secure and transparent manner. The Moorex platform operates on an integrated trade exchange network with the capacity to process several million transactions per second, making it one of the fastest cryptocurrency trading platforms in the industry.

Moorex is based on cryptography and blockchain technology, designed to provide an alternative platform for investors and traders of the cryptocurrency market.

Moorex is a platform that combines the power of collective intelligence and blockchain technology to help you grow your business. It offers an ecosystem that lets you create and share powerful ideas. It also acts as an environment where you can buy and sell creative designs, while being rewarded with tokens.


The Moorex protocol is an open-source, decentralised blockchain protocol that delivers a new standard for digital currency innovation. The Moorex protocol allows for the creation of digital currencies without centralized control. This means Moorex is a decentralized crypto protocol that allows for the creation of decentralized digital currencies. The Moorex protocol provides a system for Moorex blockchains that can be used by a multitude of organizations and individuals. Moorex is a protocol that allows for the creation of decentralized digital currencies. Moorex is an open-source, decentralised blockchain protocol that delivers a new standard for digital currency innovation. The team behind the project is experienced and has already delivered multiple products and projects in the past. This ensures that the team knows how to execute and deliver a blockchain protocol. Stay up to date with the latest news and project updates from Moorex by following Moorex on Twitter.

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Author Details:

Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link:;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landivaa

Coinsbit registration Email: ( ):

MOOR address on Coinsbit ( ): 0xA3f88d3E7b90EA0086B192C85573C81c83a0123D


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