Rabu, 16 Juni 2021


In den letzten Monaten ist die Welt der Krypto-Influenza sehr interessant geworden. Das Interesse an digitalen Währungen hat in diesem Jahr einen Höhepunkt erreicht und wächst weiter

Heutzutage werden Menschen auf der ganzen Welt auf die Kryptowelt aufmerksam. Verwendung der Blockchain-Technologie

angebaut und weltweit verbreitet eingesetzt. Dies ist der Grund, warum Krypto heutzutage so beliebt ist.

von Jahr zu Jahr werden die Teile sichtbar und fangen an, die Aufmerksamkeit von Investoren und großen Unternehmen auf sich zu ziehen, und jetzt gibt es viele Projekte, die die Blockchain-Technologie verwenden

Krypto als Zahlungsmittel zu verwenden. und kann Ihre Transaktionen erleichtern, um Online-Shopping zu tätigen und das richtige Produkt für Ihr Unternehmen auszuwählen

Jetzt gibt es eine GlobalGive-Umtauschplattform, die sehr einfach und sicher ist. Sie kann Ihre verschiedenen Transaktionen erleichtern und in der Lage sein, Ihre finanziellen Vermögenswerte in digitaler Währung wie Bitcoin und andere Währungen zu speichern.

für weitere Details werde ich dieses GlobalGive-Projekt eingehender diskutieren.

GlobalGive ist ein sehr vielversprechendes Projekt für Sie, vielleicht können Sie GlobalGive für Ihre zukünftigen Investitionen kaufen

In dieser Welt geht die Wirtschaft weiter zurück und die Marktentwicklungen verschlechtern sich weiter. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, Ihre gesamte Wirtschaft zu verändern, indem Sie in GlobalGive investieren


Token der Wahl für globale Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen

GlobalGive ist ein deflationäres Token, das auf der Binance Smart Chain basiert. Die Investition in diese Token wird nicht nur Ihr Vermögen steigern, sondern die Welt hoffentlich zu einem besseren Ort machen, da wir einen Prozentsatz des Erlöses an eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation spenden, die jeden Monat bestimmt wird. Daher ist GlobalGive ein rotierender Charity Token, der eine bahnbrechende Option für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen darstellt, um in einer sich verändernden Welt Spenden zu sammeln.



Das Gesamtangebot beträgt 1.500.000.000 (1,5 Milliarden) - 25 % im Vorverkauf verkauft.


Unser Charity Wallet hält 5% des Gesamtinventars und wird dort sein, wo alle wohltätigen Spenden herkommen.


Auf Verkäufe wird eine Steuer von 10 % erhoben; davon werden 2 % an HODlers umverteilt, 2 % verbrannt und 6 % dem Liquiditätspool hinzugefügt. LP-Token sind in Dxsale gesperrt, um zusätzlichen Anlegerschutz zu bieten (siehe FAQ-Abschnitt "Ist es sicher, in zu investieren")


Je länger Sie halten, desto mehr erhalten Sie. Auf jeden Verkauf wird eine Steuer von 2% erhoben, die basierend auf dem Verhältnis der von ihnen gehaltenen Token an die Prämieninhaber umverteilt wird.


Zusatzsteuer von bis zu 10 % bei Verkäufen von mehr als 0,1 % der Gesamtlieferung (siehe Walsteuerdokument)


Diese Brieftasche hat 5% des Gesamtangebots und wird zur Finanzierung des Marketings und für andere Projektausgaben wie den Börsenaustausch verwendet.

Liquidität & Verbrennung

LP zu Beginn für 4 Monate gesperrt und auf Erneuerung überprüft, um Probleme mit Pancakeswap-Upgrades und -Migrationen zu mildern


Wo hat es angefangen?

Das Global Give wird in wenigen Tagen im Projekt beginnen. Wir können warten, bis die Ergebnisse der Bekanntgabe an dem festgelegten Tag bekannt gegeben werden

warum ist GlobalGive anders?

Da sich Global Give von anderen Projekten unterscheidet, bieten wir mehrere verschiedene Token an, von denen Beispiele die oben genannten Token sind.

Unsere Mission ist!!!

Bei GlobalGive sind wir führend bei der Nutzung der Macht der dezentralisierten Finanzierung, um zum Branchenstandard für Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zu werden, um Spenden zu erhalten und zu erhalten – von gemeinnützigen Basisorganisationen und Katastrophenhilfefonds bis hin zu etablierten Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen mit globaler Reichweite. Unser Ziel ist es, eine Plattform bereitzustellen, die von unserer GlobalGiver-Community angetrieben wird, um auf die Bedürftigsten aufmerksam zu machen und jeden Monat an mehr Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zu spenden. Wir tun all dies, während wir Anleger dafür belohnen, dass sie nur $GGIVE halten und verbesserte Anlegerschutzmaßnahmen bieten. Halte GlobalGive, verändere die Welt!

Unser Ziel ist ??

GlobalGive, Unser Ziel ist es, eine Plattform bereitzustellen, die von unserer GlobalGiver-Community angetrieben wird, um das Bewusstsein für die Bedürftigsten zu schärfen und jeden Monat an mehr Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zu spenden.

Für den guten Zweck

Sind Sie eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation, die die globale Reichweite und Sichtbarkeit Ihrer lebensverändernden Arbeit erhöhen möchte? Können erhöhte Spenden Ihre Fähigkeit verbessern, Hilfe dort zu erhalten, wo sie am dringendsten benötigt wird, ohne kostspielige Gebühren oder Verzögerungen? Wir suchen Unterstützung! In einer sich verändernden Welt ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, neue Wege zu finden, um wichtige Mittel zu beschaffen. Wir haben einen innovativen Weg geschaffen, dies zu tun, und glauben, dass dies die Zukunft des Fundraisings für jede Wohltätigkeitsorganisation ist. Bitte rufen Sie noch heute an, um mehr über die vielen Möglichkeiten zu erfahren, wie wir Ihre wichtige Arbeit unterstützen können.



GlobalGive verwendet 3 einfache FunktionenReflexion +LP-Erwerb und -Verbrennung +Progressive Walsteuer

Der Vorverkauf weist eine weiche Obergrenze von 20 % des Angebots mit einer harten Obergrenze von 30 % des Gesamtangebots zu. Dies soll dem Pool bei der Einführung viel Liquidität zur Verfügung stellen, damit wir in Zukunft einen stabilen Preis Haben can. Es hilft auch, die Listungsanforderungen für Coin Gecko zu erfüllen.

  • Charity Wallet: 5% des Gesamtangebots
  • Vorverkaufsangebot: 25% des Gesamtangebots
  • Development Wallet: 5% des Gesamtangebots
  • Angebot zur Markteinführung: 990.000.000
  • Gesamtangebot: 1.500.000.000



  • Ankündigung der ersten Wohltätigkeitsspende und Organisation
  • Die erste Ausgabe ist innerhalb von 30 Tagen nach Token-Start abgeschlossen
  • Registriert bei der Preisverfolgungsseite
  • Bewerbungsprozess für Exchange List Starten .list


  • Community-Wettbewerb starten – Gewinner wählt Wohltätigkeitsorganisation des Monats
  • Gründen Sie eine Wohltätigkeitsstiftung HODLers
  • Partnerschaften mit mehreren Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen
  • Verschieben Sie GlobalGive Tokens in seinem eigenen Mainnet

ußerer Kern

  • Aktivieren Sie HODLer-Direktspenden mit ausgewählten Partnern
  • markiert Benutzer das Löschen von Spendenaktivitäten in unserem kosystem
  • Starten Sie ein Gespräch mit der Leonardo Di Caprio Stiftung für Spenden und Cross-Promotion
  • UN-Zertifizierung als globale gemeinnützige Organisation
  • Beginnen Sie mit der Arbeit mit einigen Wohltätigkeitsmarken, um eine Wohltätigkeitsbörse“ zu erstellen.


  • GlobalGive WIRD sterben erste Wahl für weltweite Wohltätigkeitsausgaben sein, wobei Hunderte von Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen GlobalGive-Token als Mittel zur Mittelbeschaffung verwenden.
  • GlobalGive wird sich als sehr wichtiger und kritischer Krypto-Asset für dezentrale Spenden weltweit etablieren.
  • Die Gründer und HOLDer Werden weiterhin daran arbeiten, Millionen vor der Armut zu retten, sterben Bildung in den Bereichen zu verbessern, in denen sie benötigt WIRD und den Menschen zu helfen, vom Leben aufzustei der Straße a. Wir wünschen uns, die großartige Arbeit aller Umweltschützer fortzusetzen, auf die wir stolz sind.

Unser Team ist GLOBALGIVE

  • John Ikwuobe


  • Nadine Monem


  • Damian Ritter


  • Lee Culp


  • Nic Davidson


Die Gründer und das Projektteam von GlobalGive werden weiter wachsen. Voraussetzung ist, dass Sie, WENN SIE Mitglied dieses Projektteams Werden möchten, Ihre Identität preisgeben und sich im Team präsentieren. VIELE andere Token in diesem Bereich haben Entwicklungsteams, sterben sich dafür entscheiden, anonym zu bleiben. Aber das Globalive Token Team ist stolz auf das Projekt, weshalb die Gründer verwirrt waren und es seit seiner Einführung auf der Website enthüllt wurde. Sie können selbst sehen, wer jeder von uns ist, und wir sind auf lange Sicht für SIE da! Wir sind der Meinung, dass Sie nichts zu verbergen haben, wenn Sie wirklich an das glauben, was Sie tun und stolz auf das sind, was Sie tun

Nützliche Links zu Projekten:


Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landiva

GGIVE Address:


Rabu, 02 Juni 2021

Soku Swap is a completely decentralized cryptocurrency exchange

Decentralized Exchange (DEX) is an exchange that does not depend on third parties to store your money, all user transactions occur automatically and directly between users (peer network). In other words, DEX - decentralized exchange gives users complete control of funds and transactions, eliminating middlemen to avoid the risk of security issues, hackers, fraud. In addition, the taxation or control of funds from decentralized exchanges is very difficult.

Soku Swap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) hosted on the Ethereum network and the Binance smart network. DEX uses automated smart contracts from market makers to create a liquidity pool for ERC-20 tokens and BEP-20 tokens. These features allow users to trade using algorithms rather than the order books used on conventional exchanges.

Knowing that the biggest obstacle to entry was a lack of education and knowledge about how to trade cryptocurrency, they decided to focus on it. With an on-screen chat feature to answer any questions you may have and step-by-step instructions on the screen, anyone can trade. And if you still want to know more, they have classes you can complete for a fee in crypto. You might even get paid to send people to class.

Soku Swap also has several benefits, such as allowing users to make decisions about the future of DEX using our governance token. And we even have weekly payments for everyone who has placed liquidity and made 3 trades per week.

What is Soku Swap?

Soku Swap is a fully decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that uses a relatively new type of trading model called an automated liquidity protocol. Soku Swap operates on the Ethereum network as well as the Binance smart chain.


Soku exchange feature

Soku Swap offers users multiple ways to make money. From providing liquidity to trading or using soft loans using term loans. Imagine arbitrating millions of dollars with Pancake Swap or Uniswap using our coins on our easy-to-use flash credit system.

With SOKU, our governance token, you can help define the future of the exchange. And if you do a lot of trades each week, you also get a fraction of the trading volume. The more the exchange grows, the more your payout will be. In addition, you can decide which service comes first. If you have enough of these SOKUs, we may need to provide a parking space in your name.

At Soku Swap, you can transact on the Ethereum network and the Binance smart chain. Ethereum is the largest decentralized network in the blockchain world, so it is impossible to launch an exchange without using it. But there are other problems besides size. The Binance Smart Chain has recently emerged to address this issue. With faster trading and lower fees, Binance is definitely worth a look. We believe both are important and we want our users to be able to transact wherever they want.

Have you ever tried explaining cryptocurrency to someone? I sure do, all of them. We know it's a headache, but we try to educate the people we know because we care for them. Well, imagine if you could send them links to some free crypto classes, and the more classes they do, the more you will earn both. And don't worry, we'll keep it short and funny. We want to make learning easy and useful for everyone.

What do people really hate about crypto exchanges? Is this a major drawback in customer service? I know this is one of the main complaints from our team. So we decided to fix it. We'll be in touch 24 hours a day, so you'll never have a question you can't answer. No matter where you are, there is always someone to help you if you need it.

Centralized exchanges require all customers to complete a self-identification form. You have to enter your name, date of birth, social security, blood type, DNA sample. Cryptocurrency was born as a decentralized currency that cannot be controlled and tracked. With DEX freedom, you only need to connect your wallet and make trades.


One of the most important issues affecting DEX is a lack of liquidity. With wide margins, most of the trades take place on the combined exchange, lack of volume keeps most customers sticking to the unified exchange. Customers of most decentralized exchanges have struggled to keep tabs on the complex DEX stages that anticipate that they will have to learn and finish with stage and collaboration.


Soku Swap offers two unique methods of ensuring liquidity at its establishment:

First, it offers liquidity providers a more ideal action by allowing LP (Liquidity Pool Tokens) holders to stake their LP for additional rewards. The expected rate of return on the Soku Swap makes the other APR rates look like a drop in holders.

Second, by offering you the opportunity to trade with two associations (Ethereum and Binance), and the idea of showing your LP, they duplicate their liquidity considerations and kill any fears that arise from low liquidity considerations.

Soku Swap's easy-to-use interface concludes that anyone can get started by following the basic progress that really guides you.

Soku Swap has decided to bring you free classes to learn crypto and blockchain so you can make educated decisions about your theory.

Exchange creation

SokuFactory.sol is a smart contract where all the magic happens. He creates exchanges for each trading pair on Soku Swap. The public function createPair () allows any user to enforce an exchange contract for an ERC20 or BEP20 token pair that does not already have one. The code below shows how the exchange is carried out.


Lower gas costs

The Soku exchange is designed with gas efficiency in mind. By using AMM smart contracts, we can reduce gas costs by up to 10% over regular exchanges. This gas efficiency is replicated in almost all exchanges between the cryptocurrencies supported on the platform. Soku Swap has a significant reduction in gas consumption compared to chain order book exchanges. And due to higher fees on the ETH network due to the recent massive interest in NFTs, the ability to swap Binance's smart chains allows you to transact at a lower fee.


Increase liquidity

Adding liquidity involves depositing the equivalent value of ETH and ERC20 or BNB and BEP20 tokens into the appropriate exchange contract. Initial liquidity providers determine the initial exchange rate by depositing what they believe is proportional to the value of the coins and tokens. If the initial rate is low, the arbitrage trader will bring the rate to equilibrium at the expense of the initial provider.

Removes liquidity

Liquidity providers can choose to burn their liquidity tokens to make their contribution to the pool. BNB withdrawals are calculated by:

bnbWithdrawn = bnbPool (Burn Amount / Total Amount)

tokensWithdrawn = tokenPool (sumBurned / totalAmount)

BEP20 tokens and BNB tokens are withdrawn according to the prevailing market price, not the rate at the time of investment. This means that some value can be gained or lost due to market fluctuations and arbitrage. Trading fees are added to the liquidity pool without creating new liquidity tokens.

Liquidity token

The Soku Swap Liquidity Token (SOKU LP) represents the provider's contribution to the liquidity pool. These are ERC20 coins or BEP20 tokens, depending on which chain they provide liquidity to. These tokens allow liquidity providers to sell their liquidity or transfer it between accounts without affecting the liquidity in the pool.

Liquidity tokens are printed and sent to the address of the liquidity provider. They represent the provider's contribution to the pool. These tokens are easy to share and can be burned at any time to return a proportional market share to the supplier. The provider keeps deposits in reserve and issues new liquidity tokens.

The BNB sent to the function determines the number of liquidity tokens issued. The formula below calculates the tokens that are printed.

sumMinted = totalAmount (bnbDeposited / bnbPool)

Storing BNB in reserve also requires a deposit with the equivalent value of the BEP20 token. Contributed tokens are calculated using a formula

tokensDeposited = tokenPool (bnbDeposited / bnbPool).

Soku Swap Tokenomics:

  • Name: SOKU
  • Base Price: $ 0.88
  • Blockchain: BSC
  • Total Tokens: 222,222,222
  • Symbol: SOKU
  • Total Tokens Available for Sale: 111,111,111
  • Type: BEP-20
  • Purchase Methods: BNB, ETH, BTC, USDT
  • Softcap: 100,000 SOKU
  • Hardcap: 1,000,000


Once again, the Soku Swap stage was planned for sellers and performed very well as part of another clever advantage that required guarantees of on-chain liquidity. With a representative arrangement a few days in advance, this is the ideal opportunity to take part and get the amazing prizes that Soku Swap needs to bring to the table. It's surprising how the Soku Swap group has stayed up-to-date on the progress of their venture, which makes them more reliable overall. It is possible that early adopters will garner huge profits, and it may be you.



Website: https://www.sokuswap.finance/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SokuSwap

Facebook: https://facebook.com/Soku-Swap-102896308602496

Telegram: https://t.me/sokuswap

Medium: https://sokuswap.medium.com/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdJFtg_BmXHhPeCJVgoqF3A

DisCord: https://discord.gg/DgNnfGWbd4

Ann Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? topic = 5327040.0


Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landiva

ETH Wallet Address: 0x8c7eED86A310f62B27f9C05aF3ee417Ad6A45a7d

Selasa, 01 Juni 2021

Ecosystem of Next-Gen Financial Products


Persistence is an interoperable convention worked to work with the formation of cutting edge monetary items. The Persistence tech stack gives the framework to successfully connect the domains of DeFi and customary account in an assortment of zones, while additionally empowering the making of imaginative crypto-confronting answers for extend the DeFi and NFT areas.

Why Persistence ?

Persistence is a convention driving institutional open money by working with the acquiring of cryptoassets (stablecoins) utilizing true resources, like solicitations, as security. This scaffolds DeFi and customary account and uses the highlights of DeFi to tackle true financing issues.

Persistence was begun with the postulation of utilizing Public Blockchain Innovation and highlights of Decentralized and Open Account (DeFi/OpFi) to tackle shortcomings in cross boundary installments and business financing. As a side-effect of taking care of these issues, Persistence expects to empower on a very basic level new money to enter the digital currency industry.

Persistence spans DeFi and Customary account by working with acquiring of Crypto Resources (stablecoins) utilizing true resources (solicitations in the first place) as insurance.

Persistence works with consistent trade of significant worth to speed up and productivity of true Exchange, Installments and Business financing

Persistence is a convention fueling institutional open account by working with the getting of crypto assets (stablecoins) utilizing true resources, like solicitations, as insurance. This scaffolds DeFi and conventional money and utilizations the highlights of DeFi to tackle certifiable financing issues.

XPRT will convey an assortment of utilization cases inside the Persistence environment, remembering partaking for marking to add to organize security, and local area administration of the Persistence mainchain.

As a 'work' token, XPRT will likewise gather esteem in direct relationship to expanded monetary movement inside Persistence's environment dApps. An illustration of which is Comdex, an institutional-confronting items exchanging and exchange financing stage, which has effectively dealt with more than $41M in exchange volume since its dispatch.

Mission and Vision

The Web disintermediated the Media and Interchanges industry. Utilizing HTTP, SMTP and TCP/IP as the central layers, the expense of data trade was essentially brought down.

Persistence is utilizing blockchain innovation to work with consistent resource trade. Utilizing Web 3.0 conventions, Persistence means to empower and make a set-up of front line monetary items in specialties going from marking as-a-administration and tokenized 'genuine world' obligation to advanced craftsmanship.

The XPRT token is essentially an administration token for the Persistence chain. When the Persistence mainnet is dispatched, token holders will actually want to stake XPRT tokens to latently acquire more XPRT. XPRT token additionally assumes the part of a 'work token', permitting the stakers to deliver incomes in connection with the exchange volume produced by dApps in the persistence biological system.

stakes of XPRT profit by the financial movement occurring inside the Persistence biological system (Monetary action of Persistence dApps or pApps). Persistence has income sharing/exchange volume based expense concurrences with all the dApps inside its biological system. Expanded movement on these dApps (pApps) prompts more compensations through marking awards for stakes and extra motivations for validators. This prompts esteem accumulation for XPRT.

Why Stake XPRT?

XPRT is a deflationary token with a beginning stockpile of 100,000,000 XPRT and a most extreme inventory of 403,308,352 XPRT. The underlying swelling for XPRT will go from 25-45% with the objective expansion of 35% being accomplished at 66.7% of the complete XPRT supply marked on the Persistence chain.

Swelling splitting happens like clockwork and the greatest stock cap is required to be reached continuously 2035. Stakers of XPRT will actually want to acquire roughly 35% marking prizes for the initial two years.

Token Appropriation

Validators/Key Round Deal: 10,000,000 XPRT, 10.0% of the Absolute Inventory at Beginning at beginning, $0.1 per token

Seed Round Deal: 8,000,000 XPRT, 8.0% of the Complete Stockpile at Beginning, $0.15 per token

Private Round Deal: 6,000,000 XPRT, 6.0% of the Complete Stockpile at Beginning, $0.25 per token

Public Round Deal (Closeout): 1,000,000 XPRT, 1.0% of the Complete Stock at Beginning

Group: 16,000,000 XPRT, 16.0% of the All out Supply at Beginning

Counsels: 4,000,000 XPRT, 4.0% of the Complete Stock at Beginning

Biological system: 19,400,000 XPRT, 19.40% of the Complete Stockpile at Beginning

Promoting/Development: 25,600,000 XPRT, 25.6% of the All out Supply at Beginning

Validator Boost: Validator Boost: 10,000,000 XPRT, 10.0% of the All out Supply at Beginning


A sum of 100,000 of Persistence's XPRT tokens (worth $25,000 at the latest valuation), will be assigned for appropriation to KAVA stakers during the mission. Each KAVA staker will be qualified to acquire up to 5,000 XPRT tokens, just by marking on the Kava organization.

Key Subtleties:

All out remunerations: 100,000 XPRT ($25,000 dependent on the most recent valuation) 

Mission term: 21 days

Start date and time: 26th November 2020, 12:00 AM PST (Square Stature: 453,621)

End date and time: sixteenth December 2020, 11:59 PM PST (Square Stature: 672,440)

Wizardry Exchange start date and time: 23rd November 2020, 12:00 AM PST (Square Tallness: 422,360)

Organization Prizes Pool: 80,000 XPRT

AUDIT.one Prizes Pool: 20,000 XPRT

Interface with Persistence

WEBSITE : https://persistence.one/

TELEGRAM : https://t.me/PersistenceOneChat

TWITTER : https://twitter.com/PersistenceOne

YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5wqI1ZRdkCjWWVOCQdhxLQ


Forum Username: Landiva
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3325170
Telegram Username: @landiva
ETH Wallet Address: 0x8c7eED86A310f62B27f9C05aF3ee417Ad6A45a7d

SAFU Network has the world’s safest cryptocurrency.

SAFU NETWORK I Decentralized finance project with the world’s multi-function wallet containing a high-yield farming and static staking pool

Cryptocurrency is a sort of money which uses progressed records as money. Ordinarily, the records are made using comparable methodologies as cryptography. Advanced monetary forms use ‘decentralized control’, which infers that they aren’t obliged by one individual or government. This is assorted to ‘concentrated’ electronic money and public banks. The control of each computerized cash works through a scattered record or an overview of trades shared by everyone, typically a blockchain, that fills in as a public money related trade informational collection. #Bitcoin, first conveyed as open-source programming in 2009, is every now and again called the fundamental decentralized cryptographic cash.

The universe of decentralized record rotates around the blend of standard bank organizations with blockchain development. In the wake of blowing onto the scene in August 2018, the business has viably amassed a strong after and a value of more than $67.65 billion. Close to 30 of the best 100 cryptographic types of cash as of now situated by market cap similarly feature on the overview of DeFi projects. This number is likely going to keep going up as more monetary benefactors fill the market. On the off chance that you’re restless to enter the market, or sink your ties further into it presently is the ideal chance.


SAFU NETWORK is a decentralized finance project with Charity program integrated which is allowing users access to the transparent loans, insurance contracts, pooled investments, and more for a financial freedom that allow not just turning inefficient money into efficient money, but does so in a safe way. Safu network Charity program will help in fighting again poverty and help vulnerable class of people to survive, with this program, we aim to allocate 2% of Safu Network profit to charity program. That is why SAFU is here for you.

SAFU Network has the world’s safest cryptocurrency & Fiat Compatible wallet, a multi-function wallet containing a high-yield farming and static staking pool which helps you Store, send, receive, Buy, sell, swap and stake for passive income quickly and securely with all the advantages of a other wallets and centralized/decentralized exchange, but you are retaining complete control of your funds within Your SAFUWALLET by Saving your Seed phrase, you have control to your funds and with Safe Network, Funds are SAFU.


  • SafuWallet & SafuPay
  • Dex
  • swap
  • Liquidity
  • Pool
  • Charity
  • Dice game


We have made SAFU Token (SAFU) a Great Token develop the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) open and usable by everyone or more each of the a Fiat convertible token through different portions sections. With SAFU Token and our establishment, you will deliver simple income with all #DEFI features fuse yet not limited to exceptional yield developing, static stamping pool, Liquidy locking and that is just a glimpse of something larger.






CONTACT ADRESS AT BINANCE SMART CHAIN (BSC):0x3b529e373fa083a6e4f8d199a002ac4f7074f586


Official Social Links:

● Website : https://safunetwork.net/

● Twitter : https://twitter.com/Safunetwork

● Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Safunetwork

● Telegram : https://t.me/safunetwork

● Medium : http://medium.com/@Safunetwork

● DisCord : https://discord.gg/SDEr2SDnzN

● Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/Safunetwork1/

● Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/u/safunetwork

● Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5334706


Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landiva

ETH Wallet Address: 0x8c7eED86A310f62B27f9C05aF3ee417Ad6A45a7d


Sugar Factory #Bsc-Leading the next generation of Artists into the Blockchain !


1. Can the entertainment industry & blockchain technology unite to realize a brighter future for independent artists?

2. Is the Blockchain a field for Music’s potential crypto Boom?

3. When, where and how can the Blockchain ultimately bring more power to individual artists?

About SugarFactoryBsc

SugarFactory is a project made by artists, crypto investors, web developers & designers with the desire to link Arts, and Entertainment with the Blockchain!

SugarFactoryBsc is at the verge to establish a bridge between Blockchain & Art. We are convinced that new Technologies & Music and Art in general can link up to open the way for a whole new system.

SuGarFuel Tokenomics Report!

1. PreSale Predictions:

●  Total Supply: 10,000,000,000

●  Presale Rate: 1 BNB = 30, 000, 000

●  Soft/Hard Cap: 75 / 100

●  Contribution Limits: Minimun 0.2 BNB / Maximum 2 BNB

●  PancakeSwap Liquidity: 60% (locked)

●  PancakeSwap Listing Rate: 1 BNB = 20, 000, 000

●  Presale: 2021/06/19 12:00 (GMT) ==> End 14:00 (GMT)

●  Liquidity Lockup Time: 2022/06/19 17:00 (GMT)

2. DxSale Deployer Requirements: 4,260,000,000 SGFuel tokens

3. Listing Predictions:

4. Burn & Fees Mechanism:

●  MANUAL BURN AT LAUNCH: 520,000,000 SGFuel Tokens

●  Weekly Burn: 0.10% to 0.20% of the SuGarFuel Token supply

●  Airdrops & Giveaway: 0.01% to 0.03% of SGFuel weekly burn

●  Taxes Fees: 10%

Fees Repartitions:

●  4.5% ==> to liquidity pool

●  3.5% ==> to SGFuel holders

●  2.5% ==> to Dev & Team expenses

Roadmap Release

Based on our staking and reward projections, we will allocate a fair amount of tokens on staking rewards. This will incentivize stakers to hold their tokens during the early stage of the Sugar Factory development. In addition more features will be launched and revealed with the release of our Roadmap.

In conclusion:

1. Liquidi ty providers get a return based on the amount of liquidi ty they are providing into the pool as rewards.

2. SugarFactoryBsc aims to incent ivize i ts communi ty.

3. The SugarFactory exchange will close the gap between ar t and technology. 

To conclude

In a later stages we will hold a program where our community can choose how we will contribute and share our success through charitable donations.

For More Information Sugar Factory project:

●  Website: https://sugarfactorybsc.io/

●  Whitepaper: https://sugarfactorybsc.io/whitepaper

●  Telegram: https://t.me/SugarFactoryBsc

●  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sugarfactorybsc/

●  Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gbeCSS18UsmroJg8C9FEQ

●  Twitter: https://twitter.com/SugarFactoryBSC

●  Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/SugarFactoryBSC


Forum Username: Landiva

Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3325170

Telegram Username: @landiva

ETH Wallet Address: 0x8c7eED86A310f62B27f9C05aF3ee417Ad6A45a7d